Hamfest India 2023 was inaugurated in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, showcasing innovations in amateur radio (HAM radio) and uniting enthusiasts to celebrate advancements in the field
Across which river is the Nagarjuna Sagar Dam constructed?
Which region is famously rich in coal deposits?
In August 2024, which country hosted the 12th East Asia Summit Economic Ministers Meeting?
Sagarmatha Friendship 2017’ a joint military exercise was held by the armies of China and ____________
What is the effect on a ship’s buoyancy when it moves from a river to the sea?
Who was the first Indian woman to win the Miss World title?
The Rural Development Department of Uttarakhand has set a target of making 1.25 lakh women associated with self-help groups as millionaires by _________...
“Constitution Day of India” is celebrated every year?
Bank of Calcutta was established in 1819
Which river is the longest in the world?