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The main objective of the agreement is to standardize Traditional and Complementary Medical Systems, integrate their quality and safety aspects into the National Health System, and disseminate them at the international level
In the word OBSERVATION, the letter immediately before each vowel is replaced with the next alphabet (as per the English alphabetical order) and all ot...
How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘VANDALISM’ each of which has as many letters between them (in both forward and backward direc...
The positions of the first and the fourth letters of the word FOLDER are interchanged; similarly, the positions of the second and fifth letters and thir...
How many such pairs of letter are there in the word LEVERAGE, each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
If a four-letter meaningful English word is formed by the 2nd letter, the 5th letter, the 6th letter and the 8 th letter of the word ‘PUDUCHERRY’, w...
If all the letters in the word FLAVOUR are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right in such a way that one vowel is arranged followed by one co...
If Q denotes ‘×’; R denotes ‘-‘; T denotes ‘÷‘; and W denotes ‘+‘; then –
20 R...
If in a certain code language ‘MOTION’ is written as ‘NLGRLM’, then how will ‘CIRCUS’ be written in that language?
Five words are given in the options and taking four letters of each of the words as specified, different words can be obtained and one of them is not an...
Which of the following letter will be 3rd letter from the left end if the letters at odd positions are replaced by succeeding letter in the w...