The Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA) Scheme is a small deposit scheme of the Government of India meant exclusively for a girl child. It was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 22nd January 2015 as a part of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign. The scheme is meant to meet the education and marriage expenses of a girl child. Notified by the Government of India on 14 December 2014, this scheme encourages parents to build a fund for the future education and marriage expenses of their female child. It is operated through the all Post Offices, branches of Public Sector Banks and three Private Sector Banks viz. HDFC Bank, Axis Bank and ICICI Bank. At present, the SSA Scheme has the highest rate of interest among all the Small Savings Schemes i.e. 7.6 per cent. Since the inception of the scheme, around 2.73 crore accounts have been opened under the scheme, having nearly Rs.1.19 lakh crore deposits. •The account can be opened in the name of a girl child till she attains the age of 10 years. •Only one account can be opened in the name of a girl child. •Accounts can be opened in Post Offices and notified branches of Commercial Banks. •The birth certificate of a girl child in whose name the account is opened shall be submitted. •The account may be opened with a minimum initial deposit of two hundred and fifty rupees and in multiples of fifty rupees. •Only one account is allowed per child.
Through his connections (A)/with influential figures in the media, (B)/he was able to (C)/illicit favourable press for his clients (D). ...
Angered over the delay in giving compensation; factory workers shouted slogans against the president when he reaches the office.
Find the erroneous part of the given sentence. If none of the parts contains error, mark ‘No Error’ as your answer.
Neither of the boys (A...
1) It would have been a travesty of
2) justice if the newspaper and the reporter
3) who break the story were treated as accused
<...Direction: In the following question, a sentence is given, divided into 5 parts. Part (E) is grammatically correct. Out of the other four parts, one pa...
The Water Resources Department has started (1)/work to widen the stretch of the Adyar (2)/near Kundrathur to facilitate free flow of water (3)/and prev...
Read the given sentence to find out whether there are any grammatical/contextual errors in it. The errors, if any, will be in two of the phrases of the...
Though the scheme is proposed to be expanded during the Twelfth Five Year Plan, but the regional geriatric centers are yet to take off because o...
Identify the part of the sentence which contains an error.
Hostility/ between the rival groups/ have increased/ since the last elections.
Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error. If there is no error, select 'No error'.
Mohan's mother asked him that if he had watered ...