Banks have written off Rs 10.57 lakh crore during the last five financial years, of which Rs 5.52 lakh crore was in respect of loans pertaining to large industries. The scheduled commercial banks have also recovered Rs 7.15 lakh crore of non-performing assets (NPAs) during the five-year period.Scheduled commercial banks have written off an aggregate amount of Rs 5.52 lakh crore in respect of loans pertaining to large industries and services during the last five financial years (FYs), i.e. from FY 2018-19 to FY 2022-23
Where are leukocytes, or white blood cells, produced in the body?
Which type of necrosis is frequently observed in tuberculosis infections?
Which nutrient is predominantly found in apples?
Cell was discovered by
Under the electron microscope, which cell organelle is visible as either clusters or single, small dots that float freely in the cytoplasm?
Which phylum does "Fasciola," a type of flatworm, belong to?
What is the cause of cholera?
Which of the following disease is caused by the deficiency of iodine in food?
Which part of the human brain is located above the medulla and below the midbrain?
What is the normal RBC count in an adult male?