Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has received a demand order for goods and services tax (GST) collection worth Rs 183 crore, along with interest and penalty, from Telangana.
0 7 26 63 126 215
...259, 372, 495, 618, 741, 864
4, 8, 24, 96, 485, 2880, 20160
1152 3456 432 1296 164 486
109 106 101 94 86 74
...2, 6, 44, 462, 6930, 131670
156, 182, 212, 240, 272, 306
112, 130, 155, 196, 254, 342
5000, 4050, 3240, 2268, 1360.8, 680.4
1024, 1056, 1096, 1144, 1196, 1260