As per data uploaded by Member Lending Institutions (MLIs) on Mudra portal, over 28.89 crore loans involving a sanctioned amount of Rs. 17.77 lakh crore have been extended under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) in the last five financial years. Further, the Minister stated that more than 19.22 crore loans amounting to Rs. 7.93 lakh crore have been extended to women borrowers, constituting approx. 67% of the total number of loans sanctioned under the Scheme.The total enrolment under the Atal Pension Yojana (APY) has crossed 6 crore, with over 79 lakh enrolments in the current Financial Year. As on 29.11.2023, a total of 51.04 crore Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) accounts have been opened having a deposit balance of Rs. 2,08,855 crore.
Fill in the blank 7 provided in the passage.
Directions (106-107): Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passag...
Who was Iswaran?
Select the option which seems nearest in meaning to the phrase 'beyond the horizon' as mentioned in the passage.
Choose the words which are most nearly the same in meaning to the words mentioned below.
How did the German government suppress the communist Spartacist uprising?
What is the theme of the passage?
Which of the following words is opposite in meaning to " anticipated " as used in the passage?
Which one of the below mentioned diseases is/are not covered under the Mission Indradhanush?
Why did the other judges possibly revolt against the CJI according to the passage?