The India Infrastructure Report 2023 on Urban Planning and Development was released by the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) in collaboration with IDFC Foundation and Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Ltd. (iDeCK).
This soil property which impacts nutrient movement to plant roots through mass flow and diffusion?
Time-Temperature Indicators, Biosensors, Ripeness Indicators and Radio Frequency Identification are some quality indicators which may be used in:
Leghaemoglobin is a pigment present in:
Oligosaccharides which encourage the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gut are called:
According to Rangarajan committee which of the following shows the poverty threshold line?
Light intensity at which photosynthesis and respiration are equal is known as:
The phenomenon slickenside is found in
Which of the following state has highest area under organic farming in India?
Green manure crop suitable for reclamation of salt affected soils is:
National Agricultural Technology Project was started in the year: