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Recently, the Climate Club was formally launched at the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It is led by Germany and Chile, the Club has garnered support from 36 member countries including Kenya, the European Union, Switzerland and others. It aims to make decarbonization of industries successful for climate and businesses, through ambitious policies. Currently, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and International Energy Agency are the joint interim heads of secretariat.
In the case of a Government company the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India shall, appoint an auditor within a period of _____________ from the com...
What does the management principle, "Principle of Order" developed by Henry Fayol signify?
Which of the followings is a valuation principal?
What is the amount which is allowed as standard deduction under section 16 from Gross salary while computing the Income under head salary?
The difference between the spot price and the future price of a future is called as _____?
Which type of prospectus can be used for inviting subscriptions of securities for one or more issues over a certain period of time?
Which of the following concepts says that the business is different and the owner is different?
Which of the following is a program that uses a variety of different approaches to identify and eliminate spam?
Read the following information to answer the below questions:
Under the Companies Act, 2013, the paid-up capital for a small company is: