In Himachal Pradesh, an organization representing the Hatti community is planning a protest march on December 16, advocating for the enactment of a law granting Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to their community. The ancestral land of the Hatti community spans the border between Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, encompassing the Giri and Tons River basins, both tributaries of the Yamuna. The Tons River delineates the boundary between the two states. Historically, the Hattis residing in the Trans-Giri region of present-day Himachal Pradesh and Jaunsar Bawar in Uttarakhand were once part of the royal estate of Sirmaur, with Jaunsar Bawar coming under British control in 1814. The community operates under the governance of a traditional council known as 'khumbli,' responsible for making decisions on community affairs.
If a triangle with base 6 cm has the same area as a circle with radius 6 cm, then the corresponding altitude (in cm) of the triangle is:
Perimeter of a square and circumference of a circle are in the ratio 4:11, respectively. If area of the square is 16 cm2, then find the radiu...
The average price of 80 mobile phones is Rs. 30,000. If the highest and lowest price mobile phones are sold out then the average price of remaining 78 m...
The external dimensions of a cuboidal container, with a thickness of 2 cm, are 24 cm in length, 20 cm in breadth, and 18 cm in height. If each cubic cen...
If ratio of interior & exterior angle of a regular polygon is 5:3, then number of sides of the polygon is
Ashish and Sushil together start a business with investment of Rs. 1700 and Rs. ‘x + 1100’, respectively. If the profit earned after 5 years...
In a rectangle, the ratio of length and breadth is 3:2 and its perimeter is 240 cm, then what the area of the rectangle?
Length and breadth of a rectangular field is (x + 3) cm and (x – 5) cm, respectively. If the cost of ploughing the field at a rate of Rs. 9 per cm² i...
A giant circular wheel has a diameter of 14 metres. In how many revolutions will the wheel cover a total of 4.4 km?
The combined height and radius of a right circular cone total 31 cm, with the height exceeding the radius by 17 cm. Calculate the curved surface area of...