Thirteen states has raised Rs 19,692 crore, against a notified amount of Rs 19,592 crore through the auction for state government securities. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) data showed that Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh raised the highest amount of Rs 4,000 crore each.
Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) will invest Rs 8,278 crore ($1 billion) in Reliance Retail Ventures Ltd (RRVL), the retail arm of Mukesh Ambani-led Rel...
Which small finance bank has launched Maxima Savings Account and Business Maxima Current Account for the premium customer segment in order to improve th...
What is the accident insurance cover provided with the RuPay debit card under PMJDY?
In which of the following Indian currency notes the Chariot of Hampi (Karnataka) is inscribed?
When is World Cancer Day observed annually?
What is the GST collection for December according to the data provided by the Ministry of Finance?
What is the name of the AI-powered tool launched by insurtech company Plum to provide educational information about policies through natural language ch...
Which city under SBM Urban 2.0 successfully transformed its legacy landfill site into an ecological park?
What is the name given to India's first AI-powered anti-drone system?
Who unveiled the statues of Lord Basaveshwara ji and Nadaprabhu Kempegowda ji at the State Assembly premises in Bengaluru, Karnataka?