There has been a 28 per cent annual increase in unclaimed deposits with the banks to Rs 42,270 crore as on March 2023. As compared to Rs 32,934 crore unclaimed deposits with public and private sector banks in FY22, the amount increased to Rs 42,272 crore at the end of March 2023. As much as Rs 36,185 crore unclaimed deposits were with public sector banks while Rs 6,087 crore were with private sector banks at the end of March 2023.
Choose the word which has the opoosite meaning as the word HEFTY as used in the above passage.
1) Small
2) Giant
3) Vigour
What all ways have emerged in the post-modern times to present and amass all views ,keeping in view the freedom of expression ?
How did British colonial rule affect the village tank cascade systems in Sri Lanka?
Replace the word against number 26 with the correct option from the given options below:
Can we infer from this article that there is an immediate need of an international forum to help small island nations threatened by rising sea levels?
Which of the following statements is /are true based on the information and facts mentioned in this passage?
(A) While taking a decision on the d...
Why did the Author call Agha Shahid Ali?
Which of the following is a synonym of the word ‘vital’?
Choose the word which has the same meaning as the word EXACERBATED as used in the above passage.
1) Increased
2) Aggravated
What danger is mentioned in the passage?