Markets regulator Sebi has extended the deadline to June 30 next year for demat and mutual fund account holders to provide a nomination.Earlier, the deadline to nominate a beneficiary or opt out of it by submitting a declaration form was December 31, 2023. The move is aimed at helping investors to secure their assets and pass them on to their legal heirs. Further, Sebi asked asset management companies (AMCs), depository participants and Registrar and Transfer Agents (RTAs) to encourage the demat account holders and mutual fund unit holders to fulfil the requirement for nomination/opting out of nomination by sending a communication on fortnightly basis by way of emails and SMS to all such unit holders who are not in compliance with the requirement of nomination.
Meiotic division takes place in:
Stroma and grana membranes are present in
Part of the cell wall of endodermal cells prevents water from moving into the cell is called
If there is provision for only one irrigation, then at which stage in wheat the farmer should irrigate the crop?
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Which of the following micro-organism used for nitrogen fixation and is micro aerophillic
Components of bordeux mixture are
A form of expression of quantity of water required for irrigation to bring a crop maturity is called ______.
Current ratio is equal to
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