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C S Rajan is an accomplished leader with 46 years of experience in public life. He was appointed as an Independent Director on the Board of the Bank, with effect from October 22, 2022 and as Chairman with effect from 1st January 2024.
Which reproductive structure in angiosperms contains the egg-bearing ovule?
Cotton belongs to the family:
The WTO began life on ________, but its trading system is half a century older.
Global Positioning System helps farmers in which of the following task
What is the middle part of an insect body present between the head and the abdomen called?
In which year were Agri clinic and Agri business centers established ?
What will be the cropping intensity of maize + urdbean - wheat rotation on 2 ha area?
How many kilograms does one bale of cotton equal?
In germination test the commonly used term B P stands for:
Alkaline soils are clay soils with high pH (greater than 8.5) and a poor soil structure. Which soil amendment is most effective in reclaiming alkaline s...