The five-day Kuno Van Mahotsav was launched on 17 December 2023 in Ranipura village on the outskirts of Sheopur district of Madhya Pradesh. A forest retreat (tent city) has been developed in Ranipura village to attract wildlife lovers and tourists. Madhya Pradesh is organising the first edition of Kuno Van Mahotsav. This five-day Kuno Forest Festival will be organised from 17 to 21 December.
Six friends are sitting in a straight line. E is 4th from the right. E is between B and D. A is adjacent to B. D is adjacent to C. D is between E and C....
Harman, Sunil, Varun, Naman and Bhavesh are arranged in descending order of the height from the top. Harman is at third place. Bhavesh is between Naman ...
Who among the following person sits fifth to the left of R?
The girl who likes K is facing who among the following girls?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
Who among the following does like fruits Kiwi?
Who likes Orange?
Who is the tallest person in the group?
Who among the following is using Samsung laptop?
Which of the following statement is true?