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The Defense Ministry partners with ISB to offer scholarships for ex-servicemen The Defense Ministry has collaborated with the prestigious Indian School of Business (ISB).
Rajat aims to save an average of Rs. 750 per month over the course of a year. For the first 8 months, his monthly income was Rs. 3,000, and he spent 80%...
In a cricket match the captain of one of a team scored 26 runs more than the average runs scored by the remaining 6 batsmen of that team who batted in t...
The average age of A and B is 22 years. If A is to be replaced by C, the average would be 20 years. The average age of C and A is 23 years. Find the age...
Average age of company A is 26 years and average age of both companies A and B is 12 years. If the ratio of number of employees in company A and B is 2:...
The mean weight of 24 men is 45 kg, while the mean weight of 18 women is 40 kg. Calculate the combined average weight of all the ...
The batting average of 40 innings of a cricket player is 50 runs. His highest score exceeds his lowest by 172 runs. If the two are excluded, the average...
The average score of five students is 24. When the scores of two additional students are included, the average drops by 2. What is the combined total o...
The average number of books sold by Viren in first 3 months is 3000 and in first 4 months is 3800. If the number of books sold by him in 5th ...
A gift box has 10 bangles. The average weight of the first 4 bangles is 56gms and the average weight of the remaining 6 bangles is 57 gms. Tell the aver...
The average weight of 4 persons is 46 kg. The heaviest person’s weight is 28 kg more than the lightest person’s weight. If the average weight of the...