Minister of State for Finance Bhagwat Karad has informed the Rajya Sabha that a total of 18 crore and 50 lakh beneficiaries were enrolled under the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) during the last three years. These two insurance schemes are for poor and individuals from underprivileged backgrounds, thereby reducing their financial vulnerability. Earlier these two schemes were incurring losses and after a review, the annual premium for the PMSBY was increased from 12 rupees to 20 rupees for accidental death cum disability cover of 2 lakh rupees. The premium of PMJJBY was increased to 436 rupees from 330 rupees earlier for a life cover of 2 Lakh rupees in case of death due to any reason.
The C:N ratio of cultivated soil varies:
Which one of the following is aerobic asymbiotic N₂-fixing bacteria?
The 17th nutrient added to the list of essential elements is
Globalisation of a country's economy would increase its
Which of the following is considered as power house of the cell?
Pea, gulmohur, bean, Cassia have ___ type of symmetry and hance they are ____ flowers.
Which type of farming involves clearing tracts of land by burning, cultivating for a limited period, and then abandoning the land for a number of years?
Gypsum is recommended in cultivation of:
Water is held in the soil in the form of water films around all the soil particles and aggregates. Which force holds water to the soil particles?
The maximum amount of element required for berseem fodder is: