The young entrepreneurs Kaivalya Vohra (21) and Aadit Palicha (22), founders of the Quick Commerce app Zepto, have claimed the top spots in the Hurun India Top 100 Under 30 List 2023. The list showcases 100 entrepreneurs aged 30 and below who have demonstrated exceptional prowess in their respective fields. Earlier this year, the company secured $200 million in funding which propelled Zepto's valuation to $1.4 billion, marking it as the first Indian unicorn of 2023.
A, B and C started a business with an investment of Rs.(x+200), Rs.x and Rs.800 respectively. Before 4 months, A and C left the business. At the end of ...
Two people 'Anil' and 'Binod' entered into a partnership with an Starting investment of Rs.5,000 and Rs.8,000, individually. After one year, 'Anil' and ...
A and B started a business with investments in the ratio of 8:9 respectively. If after three year, the profit earned by A is Rs. 1600, then find the tot...
‘M’, ‘N’, and ‘O’ entered into a business with initial investments of Rs. ‘4x + 550’, Rs. ‘5x + 450’, and Rs. ‘3x + 350’ respect...
'A' and 'B' started a business by investing Rs. 4,200 and Rs. 5,600, respectively. If 'A' and 'B' invested their investments for 7 months and 9 months, ...
Four people P, Q, R and S started a business. The initial investment of P is Rs. 500 less than the initial investment of R. The ratio between the initia...
A and B enter into a partnership with their initial sum of Rs.30000 and Rs.45000 respectively. After 9 months, a third person C also joins them with his...
A, B and C invested in partnership. A invest Rs.6000 for 4 months, B invests Rs.4000 for 3 months and C invests Rs.12000 for 2 months. C is working part...
Amit and Bittu entered into a business with initial investment of Rs 420 and Rs 360 individually. After 5 months, Amit add on 180 more while Bittu withd...
A and B started a business by investing Rs. 1200 and Rs. 675, respectively. They remained invested for periods in the ratio of 9:10. If A's share of the...