The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has notified that nearly 97.38 per cent of the Rs 2,000 bank notes have been returned to the banking system, and only about Rs 9,330 crore worth of the notes are still with the public.
'Hawa Ane De' is a campaign launched by which ministry ?
Parthenium can be controlled by using bio-agents like:
On which of the following occasions the lunar eclipse occurs?
Atal innovation mission was implementation by which of the following organization?
What is the mineral deposited in the soil of the lower hills and valleys in the sand?
Which of the following exoplanets of the size between Mars and Earth was discovered by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite in June 2019?
Which one of the following project was approved by the government to upgrade Heron drones with laser-guided bombs and missiles?
On keeping the coin inside the water, it appears to be standing, what is the reason?
Part ______ of the Constitution of India provides for freedom of trade and commerce within the country.