The transaction limit for UPI payments made to hospitals and educational institutions has been hiked to Rs 5 lakh from Rs 1 lakh earlier. The transaction limit for UPI Lite wallets has also been hiked from Rs 200 to Rs 500. These payments can be made by people without an internet connection. However, the maximum amount which can be transferred online is Rs 2,000. The RBI had also announced that UPI payments to Rs 1 lakh for credit card repayments, mutual fund subscriptions and insurance premiums will no longer require an additional factor authentication. Before the announcement, the limit of money that could be transferred without AFA authentication was Rs 15,000. The NPCI had last year announced the imposition of a 1.1 per cent interchange fee on UPI payments made by merchants. This fee is applicable on some merchant payments where the transaction value is less than Rs 2,000. The fees will not be applicable if the money transferred is higher than Rs 2,000.
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