Tier II and III cities across India contribute to 63 per cent of the online searches, said a report by hyper local search platform - Justdial. The study titled - "How India Searched Report 2023" also found that smaller towns in India searched twice than big cities on the platform. Schools, restaurants, hospitals, beauty parlours, and PG accommodation services were some of the top searched categories by Indians, according to the report. Other search trends across sectors: Education: Colleges and institutes collectively accounted for 36 per cent of total searches in the education vertical, schools contributed to 26 per cent, and the rest were institutes, tutorials and libraries. Travel and Hospitality Sector: Hotels accounted for 29 per cent of searches, restaurants contributed 38 per cent of searches, and rest - others. Healthcare: Hospitals, Pathology Labs, Dermatologists, Dentists, Sexologist Doctors, Orthopaedic Doctors, and Gynecologist & Obstetrician Doctors emerged as the top searched categories in healthcare. Wellness and Beauty: Around 10 per cent increase in searches in the Wellness and Beauty sector, as compared to 2022. Professional Services: Professional Services constituted only 3 per cent of total searches in India. Other Insights from the report: Hobby Classes, Schools, Restaurants & Hotels lead top 50 searches nationwide 45 per cent demand for Bungalows on Hire came from Hyderabad and Bengaluru. 24 per cent of searches for restaurants originated from Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru. Mumbai, Delhi, and Chennai emerged as the top three cities in searches for hobby classes.
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