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The agriculture sector is projected to see a growth of 1.8 per cent in the FY24, a seven-year low, due to poor Kharif harvest and weak initial sowing of Rabi crops, according to the first advance estimates of national income released by the National Statistical Office (NSO). The data also showed that at current prices, GVA for agriculture, forestry and fishing is projected to grow at 5.5 per cent in FY24 as against 12.1 per cent in FY23. As per the first advance estimate released a few months ago, production of rice, the main crop during the Kharif season, could drop by 3.79 per cent in 2023-24 to 106.31 million tonnes as compared to the 110.5 million tonnes as per the final estimate of 2022-23 due to uneven monsoon.
If all the letters in the word ‘SWEATSHIRT’ are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right such that the vowels are arranged first foll...
Statements: Some winters are summers.
All summers are springs.
All springs are seasons.
Some Draft is Inbox.
All Inbox is Outbox.
All Mail is Outbox.
I. Some Mail being Draft is a ...
Conclusions:Some Circles are Triangles. Some Squares being Circles is a possibility. All Triangles are Circles.
Statements: Some earth are moon.
Some moon are sun.
Conclusions: I. Some earth are sun.
Some villages are towns.
Some towns are huts.
All huts are rivers.
Some rivers are tents.
No cat is dog.
Only a few cats are goats.
Some goats are not rats.
I. Some goats are rats.
II. No rat is cat.
Statements: All TVs are laptops.
Some laptops are computers.
All computers are keyboards.
Conclusions: I. Some TVs may be compute...
Statements : All covers are chairs
No chair is a table.
Some Gold are Silver
All Silver are Bronze
Some Bronze are Copper
I. Some Bronze ...