The Centre’s dividend receipts from the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) stood at Rs 43,843 crore as of January 1, crossing the 2023-24 budget estimate (BE) of Rs 43,000 crore. The Centre’s dividend income might exceed the budget target by at least Rs 60,000 crore-Rs 80,000 crore, boosting its resources to keep the fiscal deficit within targeted 5.9% of GDP.
Which of the following term is used when a search engine returns a Web page that matches the search criteria.
What does the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Tab" do in Google Chrome?
The statement “the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software appl...
Which input device is commonly used to control the movement of a cursor on a computer screen?
Which of the following are needed for Skype to function on a computer?
1. A webcam
2. A microphone
3. A speaker
Main function of CPU is
Computer memory that temporarily stores information is called the ____.
Which of the following image file format often used to display basic animations on website
POP3 and IMAP are e-mail accounts in which
A circuit with about 100 transistors fabricated on a single chip is called _____