Ajay Bhatt, Minister of State (MoS), Ministry of Defence (MoD), released the book and illustrations titled “Kargil: Ek Yatri Ki Jubani” (Hindi Edition) authored by Rishi Raj at the Constitution Club of India, New Delhi, Delhi. The book which pays tribute to the Martyrs of Kargil War was published by Prabhat Prakashan.
Which of the following is not a facet of rule of law as propounded by A. V Dicey?
As per the Negotiable Instruments Act a Cheques is a _____________
The doctrine of election and apportionment are laid down in which of the following Section of the Transfer of Property Act. 1882 ________.
A is accused of burning down his house in order to obtain money for which it is insured. The facts that A lived in several house successively each of wh...
Suit against a trustee of a temple for account of trust property and proceeds thereof-
The writ of habeas corpus will be issued if___________________
In order to convert a proposal into a promise the acceptance must:
Company should file a prospectus in case of conversion of private company into a public company with in __________ from the date of resolution
In case of a continuing tort-
Under the Commercial Courts Act Who has the authority to appoint Judges for Commercial Courts?