The IQAir AirVisual app is your all-in-one source for detailed air quality data, including real-time pollution levels and health tips. It also lets you quickly share photos of specific locations on social media.
How many pair of digits in forward and backward direction are there in the number “9257364” that has as many numbers between them as in the ...
Three of the following four numbers are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the number that is different from the rest .
If first and last digit of each number is multiplied and then the product is added to the sum of the middle two digits of the number, which resultant nu...
If the positions of the second and the third digit of each of the numbers are interchanged, how many odd numbers will be formed?
If digits of each number are added and sum is multiplied by 2, and the resultants are arranged in descending order, which number will be at last position?
Find the number which does NOT belong to the group : 101, 242, 363, 484
x 1211
If ‘ x' is the resultant of the first row, what is the resultant of the second row?
...Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first number.
If each of the odd digits in the number ' 78343724' is decreased by 1 and each of the even digits is increased by 1, which of the following will be the...