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The Prime Minister reminded the gathering that this global initiative was proposed by him at COP26 last year. He added that the vision of LiFE is to live a lifestyle that is in tune with our planet and does not harm it. And those who live such a lifestyle are called “Pro-Planet People”. Mission LiFE borrows from the past, operates in the present and focuses on the future. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are the concepts woven into our life. The Circular Economy has been an integral part of our culture and lifestyle.
What is the penalty provision for adulterated food but not injurious and not within prescribed specifications or misbranded or non – injurious adulter...
The cooling of seed during germination in order to accelerate flowering when it is planted is referred as
The most reactive among the halogens is-
The plantlet that is produced through clonal propagation is termed as
Which type of legs in insects are adapted for climbing or clinging?
The cultivation of wheat and barley started in _____ B.C.
Overlapping zone between two ecosystems is
Fruit and shoot borer is an important pest of;
Metals generally have very high melting point. The metal which is exception to this property of metals is-
Fibre of economic importance which is derived from which part of cotton plant