The mascot and logo of Khelo India Winter Games 2024 were launched. The first part of the Winter Games, a mouth-watering event for winter sports athletes, will be held in Union Territory of Ladakh for the first time from February 2-6. The second portion is scheduled in Gulmarg, Jammu & Kashmir from February 21-25. In keeping with the tradition and bio-diversity of the region, the mascot of the Khelo India Winter Games 2024 is a snow leopard. It has been named ‘Sheen-e She’ or Shan in Ladakh region. The logo of the Games, prominent with the Indian tricolor, reflects the uniqueness of the picturesque land and the many sports that’s on the cards. The Games logo is complete with a Dharmachakra (turning wheel of Dharma) on a hilltop in Chanspa in Leh, the venue of the Games.
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