Central Depository Services India (CDSL), the country’s only listed depository, has launched multi-lingual support for account statements and chatbots in a bid to reach out to a larger audience. CDSL has said the consolidated accounts statements (CAS) - a single account statement that details financial transactions made by an investor during a month across direct investing, mutual funds, and other securities held in demat form—will now be available in 23 languages. Meanwhile, its chatbot (Buddy Sahayta 24*7') will now be offered in four languages.
Which article describe freedom as the payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion?
Which massacre is called Rajasthan's 'Jallianwala Bagh"?
Who presides over the Joint Session of Indian Parliament?
Bhagat Singh was sentenced to death because of
When the Lok Sabha is dissolved, the Speaker continues in office till a new
Who was the first Chief Justice of Independent India?
The electoral college for vice president consists of the members of-
Which act gave the power to declare ordinance to Viceroy for the first time?