Finance Minister Nirmal Sitharaman announced the development of three major ‘Railway economic corridors programmes’ during her Interim Budget 2024-21025 speech in Lok Sabha. The government would implement three railway corridor program -- energy, mineral and cement corridor; port connectivity corridors; and high traffic density corridors. The projects have been identified under the PM Gati Shakti for enabling multi-modal connectivity. A new scheme will be launched to strengthen deep tech for the defence sector. The government will promote public and private investment in post-harvesting agriculture activities. The application of nano DAP on various crops will be expanded in agri-climatic zones. Three major railway corridors, including for cement, will be constructed, and 40,000 normal railway bogies will be converted to Vande Bharat standard. The Indian government will spend a record 11.11 trillion rupees on infrastructure creation in 2024/25, to ensure India remains one of the world's fastest growing major economies. The allocation for capital expenditure for the financial year starting April 1 is 11.1% higher than the capex for the current fiscal year.  FM Nirmala Sitharaman also announced India government's provision of ₹750 billion corpus for 50-year loans to states for boosting their capital investments for next fiscal year.
Under the Skill India Mission, what is the significance of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?
Which of the following statement is/are correct with respect to the National Mission on natural farming?
I.           Â...
Quality Council of India (QCI) is jointly set up by Government of India and ____________.
Consider the following Statements about Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan and choose the option with correct Statements.
(1) Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan was...
Which of the following Statements about ODF Status of Swacch Bharat Mission is/are True?
I- No visible faeces shall found in the environment and ...
Which of the following are the entitlements provided under the National Food Security Act?
(I)- The food grains would be provided at highly subsi...
The PM SVANidhi Scheme comes under which Ministry?
...The headquarters of the European Investment Bank is situated in _______ ?
Which of the following schemes is administered by Life Insurance Corporation?
Which of the following options is not one of the aims of National Nutrition Mission?