Sindhu Ganapathy’s appointment as the first transwoman Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) of Southern Railway marks a significant milestone in the journey towards inclusivity and acceptance in the Indian workforce. At the age of 37, Ms. Ganapathy has not only broken barriers but also set a precedent for the transgender community’s representation in prestigious government positions.
Which of the following box is kept just below the box which contains guava?
Which among the following box is placed adjacent to Box T and Box Y?
How many persons visits between the one, who visits Rampur and the one, who has Yellow colour?
Who among the following person lives immediate above flat of C?
S likes which of the following Toffee?
E is living on which of the following floors?
Which of the following is true?
Who belongs to America?
Which of the following box is placed third from the top?
Who among the following lives with B in the same floor?