The book 'A Democracy in Retreat: Revisiting the Ends of Power' was launched in New Delhi in December 2023. The author of this book is Ashwini Kumar. According to this book, accountability is important in a democracy and it is not towards any individual, but towards the 'spirit of the Constitution'.
Agroforestry system that involves the deliberate introduction of woody perennials, especially those of fodder value, for food production, soil conservat...
ICAR – National Institute of Abiotic Stress management is located at ____
When did cotton become a well-established crop in the Indus River Valley?
What is the term for the process of converting atmospheric nitrogen gas into a form that plants can absorb?
Which farming technique involves clearing tracts by burning, cultivating for a limited period, and then allowing regeneration of natural vegetation?
Biting and Chewing type of mouth parts are present in:
The ooze test is done for detecting which pathogen?
Tomato damping off is caused due to ____
An irrigation project is called as medium irrigation project when CCA is
Central Institute of Arid Horticulture was located at