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Dharmendra Pradhan inaugurates the nation's inaugural Skill India Center in Sambalpur, Odisha, emphasizing the imperative of enhancing the skilled workforce.
Select the letter-cluster from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series. NIR, JGN, FEJ, ?
If each of the letters in the English alphabet is assigned odd numerical value beginning A= 1, B = 3 and so on, what will be the total value of the lett...
Select the set of letters that when sequentially placed in the blanks of the given letter series will complete the series.
How many letters are there in the English alphabetical order between the first letter of the second word from the left and the second letter of the firs...
How many pairs of letters are there in the word "MAGNETIC" which have as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabetical series (b...
Which one set of the letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
ab __ bcbca __ ___ c __ bab...
If in the words, all the letters are arranged in English alphabetical order within the word, how many words will begin with a vowel?
Select the letter-cluster that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series. CXB, HUI, MRP, ROW, ?
Five words are given in the options and taking four letters of each of the words as specified, different words can be obtained and one of them is not an...
Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Select the odd letter-cluster.