The Arunachal Pradesh government recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to establish the state's first Special Tiger Protection Force (STPF). This move aims to bolster conservation efforts and protect the tiger population within the state.
Apothecium contains
This ‘Agro-Ecosystem’ is characterized by low, erratic rainfall with high coefficient of variation and frequent droughts in India----
A forest whose annual removal of produce is equal to its increment. This type of forest maintains a balance where the annual removal of produce matches ...
Which trap crop used for red hairy caterpillar in Groundnut?
Sorjan system of rice production is followed in ………………….
A ridge on a seed formed by the fusion of the funicle to the seed coat is called:
Hexokinase is ___________ dependent enzyme.
Renner complex is associated with:
What is the target year for the PMAY Gramin?
Water held by surface tension is called