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The Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) ratio of Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) was 3.2% in September 2023, according to the FSR.
The current average age of students in a class is 24 years. What will the average age of the students be in 6 years?
A is younger than B by 5 years. If the ratio of A and B ages is 7:8 respectively, then find the age of A.
A girl’s age is 125% of what it was 5 years ago, but 75% of what it will be after 5 years. What is her present age?
Pawan is 8 years younger than 'Qureshi' and 8 years older than 'Raju'. The current age ratio of 'Qureshi' to 'Raju' is 3:2. What ...
Five years ago, Virat was 20 years older than Shami. Fifteen years from now, the ratio of their ages will be 2:3. Calculate the average of their current...
The current age ratio of Amit to Bishnu stands at 5:8. Given that the ratio of Amit's age 9 years in the future to Bishnu's age 1 year in the past is 4:...
Present average age of A, B and C together is 44 years. Age of B is 12 Years hence from now will be 260% more than age of A. Four years ago from now ...
Sum of the present ages of A, B, C and D is 50 years. After 5 years ratio of their ages is 5:4:3:2. What is C’s present age?
The ratio of age of Rahul 7 years ago to the age of Neha 7 years hence is 3:4. If the average of their present ages is 35 years, what is the difference ...
The ratio of the present ages of P and Q is 6:5 respectively. If the age of P 10 years hence from now will be 100% more than the age of Q 4 years ago fr...