The coal sector demonstrated the highest growth rate of 10.2% (provisional) among the eight core industries for the month of January 2024 , according to the Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) released by the Ministry of Commerce & Industries. The index of the coal industry reached 218.9 points in January 2024 compared to 198.6 points during the same period last year.
Which nutrient element is crucial for plants to boost their resistance against diseases, insect attacks, cold, and adverse environmental conditions? Add...
Which of the following is not a functional of WTO?
Which of the following potential is always negative?
Cropping pattern is referred to the
Main Institute for Agriculture Research & Education in India is?
The photorespiration process takes place in which of the following organelles?
Which protein constitutes gluten
The seed rate for long duration rice varieties is ____________ kg/ha.
Match list I with list II
Marketing efficiency is essentially the degree of market performance. It is defined as: