The $23 million loan agreement aims to establish an International Fintech Institute (IFI) to strengthen fintech education, boost start-up success rates, and drive fintech research and innovation, thereby strengthening the fintech ecosystem in India.
Tillers cut near base at 45° angle and developing buds or ripening grains chewed are the damaging symptoms of _____
A stone of mass 16 kg is attached to a string 144 m long and it is whirled in a horizontal circle. The maximum tension in the string can withstand is 16...
Which of the following is not an objective of food preservation?
Which of the following micronutrient fertilizers contains the highest percentage of zinc?
Pheromone Gossyplure released by an insect
Magnesium is an important constituent of :
Pyrethrin is extracted from which flower?
Arachis hypogea L. is the botanical name of
Muga silk is produced by _____
Bunchy top of banana, caused due to virus, is transmitted by