Prabha Varma was selected for the Saraswati Samman for the year 2023 for his Malayalam language poetry work " Roudra Sathwikam ." This poetic work, which delves into the conflict between power and politics, individual and state, art and power, showcases Varma's exceptional literary craftsmanship and contribution to Malayalam literature over the period 2013 to 2022.
Which mode of reproduction involves the formation of plants without the fusion of male and female gametes?
What term is used to describe the phenomenon when a gene influences two or more characters that are not related?
Number of Nuclei present in a pollen grain are :
During anaphase, the significance of sister chromatids separating and moving towards opposite poles is?
Which hormone is primarily responsible for inducing the oestrus or heat period in female animals, a phase of their reproductive cycle characterized by r...
The level of heterosis is generally ……………… in cross pollinated species and ……………… in self-pollinated species
...In what stage of meiosis are lamp brush chromosomes predominantly observed, and what is their unique feature?
In Bulk breeding method, individual plant selection is done after population attains ……………….
...In Pure lines election a large number of plants are selected from a ………………… and harvested individually
Which of the following acid is used as a preservative in bread preparation method along with sorbic acid?