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The correct answer is B
Which among the following will not be considered a constituent of Tier 2 capital of AIFI according to BASEL III capital framework?
A. Reva...
Consider the following about 15th Finance Commission:
I. It is the constitutional body.
II. It determines the method and formula for distr...
Recently (September 2022) SEBI cancelled certificate of registration of which of the followings Credit Rating Agency?
People who score high in openness to experience are generally what?
Any accidental loss to the consigned goods or loss caused by carelessness will be classified as which among the following in the terminology of Process ...
There is no provision under Startup India initiative for sanctioning of funds to startups directly. However, Government of India has established a Fund ...
Issuing bonds by a company would be considered in which activity in a cash flow statement?
Consider the following statements regarding the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme-
I.Sovereign Gold Bonds are the government securities denominated in...
What is another name for nudge theory?
Which term is the synonyms term to full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals?