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The DHL Global Connectedness Report 2024 indicates that globalization reached a record high in 2022 and is expected to accelerate in 2024. This trend underscores the resilience and expansion of global trade, capital, information, and people flows, despite challenges like the pandemic and geopolitical tensions.
According to the MSMED Act if a buyer fails to make payment to the supplier as required, the buyer is liable to pay compound interest with monthly rests...
The _______________ shall submit the resolution plan as approved by the committee of creditors to the Adjudicating Authority
Under which Section of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 the court has been empowered to engage expert in any suit?
A man is said to commit rape on a woman if he has sexual intercourse with her with or without her consent, if her age is below years
A person appointed as proxy shall act on behalf of such member or number of members _______________ and such number of shares as may be prescribed
The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 came into force on
A wagering agreement is __________
No banking company shall hold any immovable property howsoever acquired_________________
A company shall have its first annual general meeting, held within a period of ______________ from the date of closing of the first financial year of th...
An “unlawful assembly” is one where the common object of the persons composing that assembly is___________________