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Agnikul Cosmos' launch of Agnibaan SOrTeD marks a significant milestone as India's first launch from a private launchpad, showcasing the country's advancing capabilities in space exploration and the growing role of private entities in the sector.
How is CODE written in the code language?
I. In a certain code language, BOYS is written as TXPA
The question below consists of two statements 1 and 2. Decide whether the facts provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.
...A question is given, followed by two statements I and II. Select which of the statement(s) is/are sufficient to answer the question.
Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U have different heights. Who is the 4th shortest person?
How is B related to C?
I. C and D are the sons of E. B is son of E’s father.
II. E is sister of B and mother of D, who is brother of C.
Six persons T, U, V, W, X, and Y are sitting in a straight row facing north but not necessarily in the same order. Who sits third to the right of T?
...How will ‘wind’ be written in a certain code?
I. In this code ‘Evening wind is good’ is written as’Kt Rt Ct Pt’.
How is F related to J?
I. J is the father of the brother of D who is the cousin F.
II. F is the daughter of H, who is the aunt of brother of D.
Who among the following sits fourth to the right of E’s sister?