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The establishment of India's first battery energy storage gigafactory is a strategic move towards achieving the country's ambitious renewable energy targets. By enabling the storage of energy from renewable sources like solar and wind, this facility will play a crucial role in integrating these green energy sources into the national power grid. This supports India's goal of achieving 500 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity by 2030, enhancing energy security and sustainability.
There are five cars T, Y, U, I and O of different heights. Car Y is shorter than only one car. Cars U and I are shorter than Car T, which is not the tal...
If another student N, who secured more marks than S, secured 78 marks and V secured 65 marks in the examination, then what will be the possible marks se...
A group of five students has different height. Rohit is shorter than Seema. Seema is shorter than Yaman. Diwakar is taller than only Hema. Who among the...
What is the weight of T?
Six friends have different number of chocolates. G has more chocolates than that of I and H. E has less chocolates than D but more chocolates than G. F...
Five persons M, N, O, P and Q have different heights. M is taller than Q and P. N is taller than O. M is not taller than N. Who among the following is ...
There are five persons V, B, S, A and G, who have different heights. V is taller than G but shorter than A. Suresh is shorter than V. B is the shortest...
If L has 80 laptops than how many laptops does N has?
There are five persons with different heights. D is shorter than R. J is taller than L. U is shorter than J but taller than R. R is not taller than L. W...
There are six persons, who have different weights. At least two persons are heavier than U. W is heavier than X, who is lighter than T. T is heavier tha...