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Delhi's biomining project to clear landfill sites is likely to miss the latest deadline of 2024. It is the technique of extracting metals from ores and other solid materials, typically using micro-organisms (bacteria, archae, fungi, or plants).
Cultivation of crops in areas receiving annual rainfall more than750 mm but less than 1150 mm is known as
Botulism is an example or type of
Which of the following crop does not fall under the category of Rabi season crops, referring to those agricultural crops that are sown in winter and har...
Essentiality of zinc in plant was discovered in 1926 by
Which variety of silk is known for its unique golden yellow color, is specific to the state of Assam, and is obtained from the semi-domesticated multivo...
Balance shelf life means:
Late Blight of Potato is caused by
Chir pine is common name of:
Dole processes is an example of
Power operated machines are operated at pressure ranging from: