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Archaeologists discovered a 5200-year-old Harappan settlement at Padta Bet near Khatiya village in Kachchh, shedding light on the Indus Valley civilization and providing insights into early urban planning and societal structures.
The selling price of an item, when sold at a 35% profit, is Rs. 168 higher than its selling price when sold at a 5% loss. If the ...
The cost price of two mobiles 'M' and 'N' is Rs. 22,000 and Rs. 28,000 respectively. The shopkeeper marked up the prices of mobile 'M' and 'N' by 45% an...
A table is marked (z+5)% above its cost price and a discount of 35% was given on it while selling. If the cost price of the table is Rs. 1485 more than ...
A trader allows two successive discounts of 20% and 10% on selling an article. If he gets 550 for that article, find its marked price.
A shopkeeper bought article ‘A’ for Rs. ‘x’ and marked it 25% above its cost price and sold it for Rs. 1600. Marked price of article ‘B’ is ...
Rani bought a refrigerator for 15,500 and sold it to Sony at a loss of 12%. Sony spent 3,360 on its repairs and sold it to Roja at a price that would ha...
A man sold an article for 20% profit. If the cost price of the article was 'y%' less, then he would've earned 50% profit by selling the article at the s...
The profit earned when article is sold for Rs. 1440 is 27times of the loss incurred when it is sold for Rs. 880.Find the CP?
The ratio of cost price to the marked price of an article is 5:8. The article had been marked above its cost price by Rs. 240. If the article was sold a...
After selling 60 Fans a shopkeeper earn a profit of the selling price of 18 coolers. While selling 60 coolers a shopkeeper losses the selling price of 2...