Critics argue that partnering with Aramco, a major oil and gas producer with significant CO2 emissions, contradicts FIFA's stated commitments to environmental sustainability, particularly under its role in the United Nations Sports for Climate Action Network.
The average age of A and B is 22 years. If A is to be replaced by C, the average would be 21 years. The average age of C and A is 23 years. Find the age...
The average age of a group of 80 students is 14 years. If 3 students whose ages are 16 years, 22 years, and _____ years are replaced by 3 new students w...
The total number of students in class X and Y is 72. The number of students in X is 40 more than that in Y. The average marks of students in Y are 50% m...
In a classroom, the average score of 15 students on a test is 44 points. If 5 new students, each with an average score of 'x' points, join the class, an...
In an office, there are 52 employees with an average weight of 38 kg. When the office manager's weight is included, the average w...
In a cricket match the captain of one of a team scored 26 runs more than the average runs scored by the remaining 6 batsmen of that team who batted in t...
The average age of 13 girls is 40 years. If the age of one more girl is added the average decreases by half a year. What is the age of new girl?
The average age of a class of 17 girls is 12 years. If 3 new girls having average age of 8 years join the class, then the average age of the class becomes:
The average weight of a group of 15 students increases by 1.5 kg when the weight of the teacher is also included. If earlier the average weight of the g...
The average score obtained by 25 students in a class test is 68 marks. The top place was shared by 3 people who got the same score. If the lowest score ...