The RBI states that India needs an 8 - 10 % annual growth rate over the next decade to fully capitalize on its demographic dividend .
Application of heat to chick during their early part of life
Cell is the basic building block of life . Cell theory was put forward by?
Light intensity at which photosynthesis and respiration are equal is known as:
The vitamin which can combine with free oxygen radicals and protect the integrity of the cell membranes is:
According to CRIDA, the depth of deep tillage is ____
Major pest of rice during milking stage is:
A fertile soil must contain all the 3 major nutrients namely___________ for basic plant nutrition, in addition to 9 key micro nutrients.
Which of the following parameters is incorrectly matched with the measured device?
Which was the first Bt cotton variety released by Monsanto and initially cultivated in the USA in 1996?
Loans upto ______ pledge/hypothecation of agricultural produce including WHR for a period not exceeding 12 months against NWR/eNWRS are eligible to clas...