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The index of mineral production for the month of March 2024 was 156.1, which is 1.2% higher compared to the level in March 2023. Additionally, the index for the entire FY 2023-24 has increased by 7.5% over FY 2022-23. Some non-fuel minerals showing positive growth during March 2024 compared to the corresponding month of the previous year include Copper Concentrate, Gold, Manganese Ore, Diamond, Graphite, Kyanite, Sillimanite, Limeshell, Limestone, and Magnesite.
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“दांत खट्टे करना’ का प्रयोग यहां किस अर्थ में हुआ है?
...' सन्तोष ' शब्द में कौन-सा उपसर्ग है ?
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