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PRAGATI-2024 focuses on utilizing research outcomes for Ayurvedic pharmaceutics, establishing networks, and identifying industrial partners to promote entrepreneurship in Ayurvedic drug development.
The full form of ATM is
Which state recognizes 'Jujurana' as its state bird?
Which of the following rivers is primarily rain-fed?
The headquarters of the West Central Railway is situated in which city?
Which dam in India is associated with the creation of the Gobind Sagar reservoir?
Which country will reopen its borders to foreign tourists on February 21 after almost 2 years?
The First Governor to sign a note in India was:
Consider the following statements regarding litchi production in India:
(I) Litchi growth is influenced by climatic factors like temperature, rai...
Which of the following is the component of Foreign Exchange Reserve of a country?
What is the target set by the National Green Hydrogen Mission for green hydrogen production per year by 2030?