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To prevent drug abuse and gather intelligence on drug trade. 'Mission Nishchay' aims to gather intelligence about the demand and supply of drugs in border villages, indicating a focus on combating drug abuse and trade in the region.
What is B’s position with respect to A?
Who sits second to the right of Q?
What is the position of L with respect to the one who sits to the immediate right of Q?
Who among the following person sits fifth to the left of R?
Who among the following person uses Sony laptop?
How many persons sit between O and K when counted from the left of K?
Which of the following laptop does C use?
How many persons are seated in a table (Including unknown persons)?
Which of the following statement is/are true?
I) T sits second to the right of W
II) Only one person sits between V and Y when coun...
There are six persons M, N, O, P, Q, and R are sitting around a circular table such all are facing outside the centre. R sits second to the right of O. ...