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World Hydrography Day is celebrated on June 21st every year to raise awareness about hydrography and its crucial role in understanding our seas and oceans.
Calculate the value of the expression: {2 X (P3 - Q3) - 30 X P X Q} if (P - Q) = 6 and (P2 + Q2) = 80
Find the values of x and y if 0.1x + 0.05y = 20 and 0.3(x+2) +0.6y = 66.
if x2 – 2x + 1 = 0, then find the value of (x7 + x5 + x4 + x2)/x ?
A train can cross a pole, a bridge of 720 meter long and platform of 640 meter long in 9 seconds, _____ seconds and 25 seconds, respectively.
If a = 55, then what is the value of
if √1+x/121 = 13/11 then find the value of x.
In an orchard, the ratio of the number of mango and lichi trees is 9:10, respectively. Also, there are few apple trees in the orchard which is 50% more ...
If 10x2 – 6xy+y² – 4x+4= 0, then find the value of (3x+2y).
If x = 19 , find x 5 - 20 x 4 + 20 x 3 - 20x 2 + 20x - 20 = ?
If x + y + z = 4, xyz = 6 & x2 + y2 + z2 = 8 then find the value of x3 + y3 + z3.