Researchers used a new laser dating method on calcium carbonate crystals, revolutionizing rock art dating worldwide.
Some of the initiative taken by the RBI to develop the market include measures to impart liquidity by permitting repo transactions in corporate b...
For one thing, they require (A)/you to think on your feet and (B)/call on all your resources to (C)/get passed them, reaffirming your commitment (D).
The militant environmental organization (1)/ Greenpeace has been charged(2)/ by financial fraud (3)/ and terrorist connection.(4)
Indore was one of the prominent musical centres in the 18th century with huge patronage by the Holkar Court before being replaced from the A...
Rise in the water level in the village and adjoining areas has laid to waterlogging and destruction of standing crops in the village.
The recent legal dispute over the (A)/ Future deal seems to be setting the stage (B)/ for a major fight between two (C)/ of the richest men in the wor...
Find the error.
In these questions some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and indicate it corresponding t...
Mischief are sure to (1)/crop up, in one form (2)/or another, among (3)/the idle and ambitionless (4).
Rise in the water level in the village and adjoining areas has laid to waterlogging and destruction of standing crops in the village.