Arunachal Pradesh has achieved a significant milestone, becoming the first state in North-East India and the 10th in the country to attain 100% saturation of Har Ghar Jal under the Jal Jeevan Mission. Chief Minister Pema Khandu credited Team Arunachal’s dedication, expressing gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for guidance and support. The mission, launched on August 15, 2019, aims to provide assured tap water supply to every rural household in India by 2024, promoting an improved quality of life.
The new mobile app recently introduced by SEBI to spread financial literacy among the investors is __________.
When was the idea of the Social Security Exchange floated in India?
Which of the following SEBI regulations are concerned with the issue of securities?
When did GIFT City's first international exchange, India International Exchange, start its operation?
A country may allow foreign direct investment and portfolio investment but restrict the repatriation of capital or the issuance of foreign currency-deno...
Which of the following is not a component of MCLR?
Which of the following statements is/are correct in regards to the Economic Survey of India?
1.It is mandatory for the government to present the ...
A Global In-House Centre shall maintain its books of accounts, records and documents, in such_________________ as may be declared at the time of making...
Under the IFSCA Act financial product means____________.
The IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) can be established under which of the following?